IDR. What did you study at school?
Cameron. I did A levels in Economics, Psychology and English Literature.
IDR.. And what will you be studying at university?
Cameron. I’m going to the University of York to study Philosophy and Politics. Then I’ll take the law conversion course and plan to specialise in either criminal or public law.
IDR. How did you become The ID Register’s first intern?
Cameron. My mother, Kate Parker, has a number of roles at The ID Register, including Company Secretary, Money Laundering Reporting Officer, Money Laundering Compliance Officer and Compliance Officer. She suggested I speak to Tim Andrews, the company’s founder. We had a chat, which turned into a semi formal interview, and Tim then offered me the internship, a first for The ID Register. Tim was interested in helping my career progression and I was grateful to get the opportunity to work in a FinTech business where I could hone my project management and team working skills.
IDR. What did you work on?
Cameron. The two major areas I worked on were a centralised platform for our technology testing and developing, from scratch, an internship, work experience and graduate programme so that there is a set pathway to follow. It’s called the Accelerator.
IDR. Tell us about the IT testing first?
Cameron. The ID Register is a FinTech business and we handle a lot of improvements to our application in-house. When our development team release a system update, it needs to be regression tested to make sure that none of the existing functionality is lost while at the same time ensuring the enhancements work as they should. Historically, individual analysts would run their own, manual tests and so I worked on centralising this to free up their time and make testing more efficient.
IDR. How did you do that?
Cameron. I used two programmes, Microsoft DevOps which is the utility used to manage most of the development process and Selenium, which automates testing. With help from some of The ID Register’s staff and my own research, I got to know how both worked. The next job was to centralise testing to allow easy and hands free system tests to run. I organised this and checked it worked. I’m thrilled that the automated testing system has been adopted and is now being used by The ID Register’s staff.